Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Why choose contact lenses over eyeglasses

Contact lenses have become the practical choice for millions of people worldwide. If you are still wearing spectacles and still aren’t convinced that wearing contacts is the way to go, then here are the many advantages of using contact lenses that can probably convince you to them a try.

The biggest advantage of using contact lenses is that they actually offer you better vision than eyeglasses. Contact lenses do not block peripheral vision unlike some eyeglasses. This is important for athletes or workers who need to see as much around them as possible. With contact lenses there is also no image distortion unlike with thick eyeglass lenses. Contact lenses also do not fog or get wet.

Contact lenses do not create any distractions. There is no uncomfortable weight and contacts are easier to keep in place than spectacles which may fall off when engaging in rigorous activities. This is important for athletes or those whose work involves moving around a lot including construction workers, dancers and others. They also won’t get in the way of operating gadgets such as cameras, microscopes, and others.

Contact lenses also allow people to completely get rid of their eyeglasses for cosmetic or aesthetic reasons. Many people actually choose to use contacts for this reason because wearing contact lenses can really change how a person looks. Eyeglasses can be heavy and make a person look older than he/ she actually is. Expressive and beautiful eyes can also be covered by eyeglasses. Wearing contact lenses can brighten up the eyes and the face of a person and allows others to see the eyes clearly. There are also color contact lenses available in the market that a person can use to change the color of his/her eyes for cosmetic purposes.

This benefit may seem superficial but contact lenses allow the use of trendy sunglasses. You no longer need to get prescription sun glasses. You can choose any style of sunglasses that you want and even change sunglasses anytime you feel like it without affecting your vision. Sunglasses are also important in protecting the eyes from harmful UV rays.

It is important to remember that although contact lenses are more convenient and practical, you still need to handle them properly to maintain hygiene and safety. Also, you may experience some difficulty adjusting to the contact lens during the first week but keep in mind the numerous benefits you will experience from using contact lenses and just keep using them until you get completely used to them.